Monday, August 11, 2008

sick and ill are not the same

its been a long time since i last updated. come to think of it. its my 1st august post. and i'm literally dragging myself to update just to fill the gap and also to de-stress.

tho i admit that its not de-stressing me really well at all due to the fact that i'm wasting precious time blogging.

so what you want to know?

that my streamyx got cut because my parents forgot to pay the bill.

and i'm nomad-ing in andrew's house often (jamie koo's fault!).

and that i've physics test tmr which i studied the hell out of me yesterday for (because i thought the test was today -.-)

and i'm very moneyless larh!(its a pattern throughout the year).

and my maths teacher seems to be interested in 'how many times i see caeme physically in a week' more than teaching maths lol. thanks to joe for misinterpreting the word physical btw.

what else. oh.

and that i seriously take no interest in whatever that goes on in the olympics.

and that i'll have one week of holidays/study break to enjoy studying. Taylors likes to give holidays prior to exams so that students can't complain that they don't give any holidays.

and i noticed i said a lot of ands.

and i really feel weird this days. or in correct terms, i feel sick.

btw for those of you that don't know, sick and ill means diff things. says mr munin.
sick - mentally unwell
ill - physically unwell

so there, i am mentally unwell. dunno why. my period haven't come al.... oops. terbocor rahsia.

okay. lastly, while nerding on physics. i read this part and started berlol-ing. people outside must've thot i gone sot or smt. so,

to ppl outside: toldya iwassick!

physics is greatly retarded.

here's the full sentence that i memorised by heart:
''electrons which pass very close to the nucleus are greatly retarded.''

and so are the minds of physicist. chao.

p/s : my trials starts at 7.00a.m. and am required to be in MPH by 6.30a.m. but best of all, was recommended to wake up at 4.00a.m. to get ready for the test. Taylors makes healthy males and females sick. and ill.


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