Monday, March 24, 2008


its been awhile again. yes my internet is still dead.

thing is, i was supposed to be at home resting, but here i am in college, blogging. and plus i'm on mc man.

didn't attend class today anyway, must use my mc to the max mar. but the fact that i still had to come to college to do research on my projects later in the afternoon probably just makes me feel like i've wasted another academic day. =( sh*t maybe i did. (btw, mc = medical cert. in case you're really bodo.)

being sick on and off is really crappy.

anyway, as i was doing my research on microwave ovens(don't ask), i don't know how, i bumped into this phrase:

'ignorance a bliss'

that made me think. is ignorance really a bliss? is it really a pleasure to be taken in not knowing what is going on? does it mean you have no responsibility?

the list of question goes on and on. but i realize that as humans, or rather christians, we cannot be ignorant. imagine giving an excuse to God when He were to ask you about certain things in your life, and all you can say is 'i don't know'.

and the reason behind the i don't know is either you really don't know or you didn't want to bear any responsibility in knowing about it.

because in christian living,

knowing means you have to do something about it.

anyways, since i had some time after finishing my research, i actually googled 'is ignorance really a bliss?'

i know i amuse myself sometimes. because unlike most people (i think), i actually treat google as a someone that i can ask serious seriously silly things, and still get answers. thats why my searches in google usually has question marks lol.

anyway, on top of the list was

a blibical point of view summor lol.

kay. nothing to say d. kits leaving this sunday =( no more chinkooteoh picture for another 2 years =((

ignorance, i'll think i'll write a song about you. and how thick the ice you gave me. that i still can't find a way to melt it. so blissful. - its a part of a lyrics of the next top hits with my name as its author. woot!

oh and about the title for this post, why fever? because i'm having fever. since yesterday. since sunday. since the time i was acting on stage for the Easter play. maybe thats why it rocked. =)

but i'm retiring for now tho. too much acting makes you fat. which is why nat is acting next round haha.

piff. i really reall really need more money. and i really really really need to be more disciplined. maybe i'll make an equation and you can test it out for me to value its credibility.

discipline = more unwasted time
time = money
more unwasted time = more unwasted money
more unwasted money = more spare money

which is a good thing. (if proven correct)

p/s : i think i need to stop p/s-ing. anyway, i saw a book in MPH one day. the cover page is super EMO weih. its title is 'PMS'. lol.

fever! =)

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