Tuesday, November 11, 2008

o-m-g! u-on-t-v! smt smt like a palm tree!

in EXACTLY half a day time.

i would be getting my butt out of D26-28 with a huge smile on my face.

the air would be a lil sweeter. head a lil higher. feet a lil lighter. smile a definte wider. spirit a lil brighter. and everything else a lil 'better'.

one thing i would comment on not only SAM this year, but life this year is:

time flies.

its just like ytd that G7 met mr munin for the 1st time. ytd that jack ate the whole sauceplate of chilli padi just for a freaking ramly (kiahsu). ytd that the security guard came and say: "SAYA SUDAH TAU ITU AKAN JATUH". ytd that we teased Kuharaj and Kaesha. sorry i beg to differ, we still do it as long as we see them. and ytd that we thought joe and jack was gay. (and still do)

oh well. back to studying for now.

its the final lap.

p/s : i notice that i keep farting when i sat for all SACE papers.


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